Monday, 26 September 2011

Nick Vujicic, My Idol.

Hello ninjas of the internet! Prepare to feel more inspired.

So, for those who don't know who Nick Vujicic is, he is a motivator. He was born with no arms, and no legs, but has a foot he calls the "chicken drumstick" :P He tried to commit suicide when he was ten years old because he felt like there was nothing left for him. But he failed to commit and realised he was brought on Earth for a reason.

Since then, he has become a motivator, talking to students in schools across the world telling them that they are perfect in every way and they shouldn't give up.

He is my hero. In a way, he has made me realise that I have a purpose, and there is something special about me. He is my idol, and one day I hope to meet him and tell him he's one amazing person, and he is truly one of my heroes. :)

I cried a little while writing this, he is just amazing.
Below are two videos. One of his motivation work, another is his music video!

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